HERLeadership Challenge >HERLeadershipU > HER100XX

STEP #1: Free monthly Challenge is designed to introduce you to HER Leadership and empower YOU to step into HER Leadership.

STEP#2: HER LeadershipU Masters Academy is the next step and is designed to nurture YOUR Leadership and equip you with the skills, processes and steps to get you moving in the direction you want to go, while making sure you can create income and get up and running quickly. Just $97/month for monthly content drops (cancel anytime) or $997 annually and access to content on demand moving as quickly as you need.

STEP #3: HER100XX Accelerator is the step that takes you from building to flourishing at a higher level, having others who can keep you from going back to what was comfortable and instead moving forward and accelerating. Each cohort is capped at 100 people to insure every member of the cohort can receive the personal feedback and more individualized mentoring needed. This is the process that I’ve seen work thousands of times not just in business but in ministry and in leadership and life! I hope you’ll take this journey with us! The cohorts are an annual payment of $1997.

Introductory Offer - For the first 100 Leaders and Innovators, get access to all three for one introductory price and become Founding members of the inaugural community of HER Leaders and Founders and help shape the BEHER movement! (Start by joining the HERLeadershipU community annual price in the community then apply to upgrade to HER100XX Cohorts once inside)

Free HER Leadership Challenge


HER LeadershipMasters Academy


HER100XX Accelerator

STEP #3 Apply to Cohort

Special $1997 Introductory Offer for all 3

Apply here to Join the 2025 cohort for only $1,997 (regular price $3528 monthly/$2994 annual)

Spots are limited to the first 100 applicants—secure your seat today and get ready to experience the transformation of a lifetime!

What You’ll Get in the Challenge and Beyond:

**Level 2 includes Weekly Group Coaching Calls with Personalized support to answer your specific questions and guide you as you scale and recordings of all sessions.

***Level 3 includes 2, plus you will have Monthly Cohort Sessions with like-minded Leaders designed to solve your real-time challenges with input from your cohort and Quarterly Round Tables with other high-level leaders, as well as replays of all sessions.

*All levels include a personal invitation to the annual Summit & private Communities to Build lasting relationships with like-minded women who are on the same mission to change the world.